Check the following table for having complete information..
Candidates loss 1/3 (0.33) marks for each wrong answers.
The attested copies of the documents like certificate of age, certificate of educational qualification documents need to be inserted.
.Ante-natal conditions Intra-natal conditions Post-natal conditions Management of normal labours or complicated labour.
Forest Ecology and Ethnobotany.
UPSC Combined Medical Services Exam 2016 Pattern
Subject Name | Total No | Total Marks | Total time |
General Ability | 30 | 30 | 2 Hours |
General Medicine | 70 | 70 | |
Pediatrics | 20 | 20 | |
total | 120 | 120 |
The components and syllabus of two Papers and the weightage to different components in the two papers are given below: -.
Each paper is of 2 hours duration.
(Surgery including ENT, Opthalmology, Traumatology and Orthopaedics).
General Epidemiology V. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) the main authority to conduct the examination its various civil services..
tract, Questions on displacement of the uterus.
100/- (Rupees One Hundred only). Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the official notification to take seat in the medical colleges for MBBS courses
Complete information about CMS Exam.
The representatives will conduct the computer based on-line exam on 12th June 2016. Health Administration and Planning.
Candidates those who have finished their application procedure for MO announcement are currently eagerly looking to know UPSC CMS Syllabus 2016. All Questions as objective type so what speed of your answer should be. Combined Medical Services CMS 05-Mar-2016 Â 01-April-2016 Paper-1 Â Central Armed Police Forces CAPF recruitment 2016 12-Mar-2016 08-April-2016 Paper-1 Civil Serviceâs Exam 23-Mar-2016 20-May-2016 Paper-1 Forest Services I F S 2016 23-Mar-2016 20-May-2016 Paper-1 Â NDA â NA 18-Jun-2016 18-July-2016 Paper-1 Combined defense service CDS 2 16-Jul-2016 15-July-2016 Paper-1 Indian Forest Services N/A update soon N/A Update soon Paper -1.
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